6: A string: 'Select this to disable Conflict Catcher╒s startup features. This prevents all modifications to the System that CC would normally make.'
7: A string: ''
8: A string: ''
9: A string: 'Option to display the Startup menu. This menu allows you to switch the startup disk and the System Folder.'
10: A string: 'Option to record many of the modifications to the System Software that is made by Startup Files (Trap Patches).'
11: A string: 'Option to display a helpful tip about Conflict Catcher every time the application is opened.'
12: A string: 'Option to display Conflict Catcher╒s Finder menu. It is an easy way to open Conflict Catcher or switch Sets.'
13: A string: 'Option to ask you instead of automatically saving changes to modified Sets.'
14: A string: 'Option to always open Conflict Catcher at startup.'
15: A string: 'Option to open Conflict Catcher at startup whenever the Caps Lock key is depressed.'
16: A string: 'Option to mount all disks at startup. This option can sometimes mount disks that would otherwise not be available without using software to manually mount them.'
17: A string: 'The System Search Depth is the number of folders deep that Conflict Catcher should search a disk when looking for a valid System Folder.'
18: A string: 'Option to inform you whenever Conflict Catcher is going to restart the computer at startup.'